1.18 Server Update
Due to a security issue that affected Minecraft and other applications in early December 2021, we were forced to switch the server version from 1.13.2 to 1.18.2. This has taken a great deal of time, and thank you to all who have helped us with testing.
The update process is now complete, for many users there will be a minor difference in gameplay elements, but we are excited because it allows our builders to use the new blocks & features that come with all the missed updates!
Animal Magnetism
Tired of having to pick up your ranged ammunition off the ground? Ava has taken residence inside Draynor Manor and has the device to solve that problem! She's just a little bit crazy, and as the helpful adventurer that you are, you agree to run her errands and try to make sense of her research notes.
Upon completion of the quest, you are awarded one of two Ava's devices, either the Attractor or the Accumulator... DevBlog #38 Animal Magnetism Quest, Version Update & More.