MineScape Forums

Devblog #5 Quality of Life & Memberships
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Devblog #5 Quality of Life & Memberships

This week has been spent focusing on quality of life aspects for the server, from scoreboard, to shop interfaces and even a clearchat command. We will also delve into memberships and voting.

Quality of Life
Scoreboards are now dynamic, meaning you can alter them to your pleasing, there are many variables such as <health>, <clan>, <attack>, <defence> etc. This gives a great range of customization for players, the scoreboard can also be toggled on/off.

Other improvements this week is the ability to display buy/sell prices for items in the shop interface (shown in image). Previously you had to click the items and it would show in chat which could sometimes be hard to read whilst the inventory was open. Things like this are easily implemented elsewhere to improve...
Devblog #4 Logo, Video & Beta
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Devblog #4 Logo, Video & Beta

Everything is coming together, our new logo has been polished and finalized, promotional video is out, and we announce a release time frame for the beta
We feel comfortable now to release an estimate on the beta release window, and its not far away!
Our beta will be available early June, yes that gives us just over 2 weeks to get everything ready for all you players to enjoy the beta. We hope you are as excited as us with this announcement!
Trailer Video:

As you can see at the top of the blog, our new Logo has been completed!! We will have many more works done in future showcasing parts of the server. But for now we are very happy the artist was able to take our vision and create such a stunning logo from it

I've spent the week improving clue scroll...
Devblog #2 Update for the weekend
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Devblog #2 Update for the weekend

Progress over the last week

As our community continues to grow, the progress will also continue, and we have been hard at work this week!

Server Logo
We have a new logo in development by a very talented artist, and we can't wait to share it with you all. There will be many more works done in future to promote key aspects of the server or updates

I have spent this week focusing on creating more utility classes, meaning it will be easier in future to make improvements. Mostly was working on commands this week, making admin, mod and user commands with tab completion, making sure we have the ability to properly run the server
The website now updates live each time I compile the source code, meaning you can follow the progress we are making. We will have more ways in future for you to view our progress, just a nice peek at how we are...

Devblog #1 The start of it all

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Devblog #1 The start of it all


Welcome to the MineScape community, or if you are returning then welcome back! We here at MineScape are glad to have you alongside us in the journey of creating this server, Mayneman and I are the creators but you will be the ones guiding our path on the way.
A lot has happened since the last time you heard from us, so we will spend some time here going through a bunch of the drastic changes the server has gone through since then, so continue reading on, this is definitely an interesting one.

The new website is the first players will see of our server, so with a complete redesign we feel it provides the right information to draw more players to the server, link it to all of your friends and see what they think!