Bones are the remains of one deceased, typically when a monster or player is killed. They are a 100% drop from most monsters, meaning that almost every monster will drop a variant. Some common exceptions are ghosts, shades (drop "remains" of their type), demons and imps, and spiders.
Prayer is a free-to-play skill, which allows players to gain experience by laying the deceased to rest. Bones can either be buried, offered at the altar in a player-owned house or the altar at the Chaos Temple in level 42 Wilderness, or offered at the Ectofuntus, combined with buckets of slime. Other ways of training Prayer include reanimated ensouled heads at the Dark Altar in Zeah.
As you level up the skill, you unlock a system called Prayers, which can give certain boosts or protections whilst playing MineScape. Each level adds to a counter of Prayer Points. When prayers are activated, they drain the player's prayer points until the prayer is turned off or all prayer points are used.
Prayers: The prayer tab contains all of the available prayers. To activate a prayer, simply click it. This will show a whitish circle around each active prayer, and will start to drain prayer points.
Chivalry and Piety require completion of Camelot training room, and Preserve, Rigour, and Augury must be unlocked through prayer scrolls from Chambers of Xeric.
Prayer Level | Prayer | Effect | Drain Rate | Drain Effect | Picture |
1 | Thick Skin | +5% Defence | 1 point per 12 seconds | 3 | |
4 | Burst of Strength | +5% Strength | 1 point per 12 seconds | 3 | |
7 | Clarity of Thought | +5% Attack | 1 point per 12 seconds | 3 | |
8 | Sharp Eye | +5% Ranged | 1 point per 12 seconds | 3 | |
9 | Mystic Will | +5% Magic attack and defence | 1 point per 12 seconds | 3 | |
10 | Rock Skin | +10% Defence | 1 point per 6 seconds | 6 | |
13 | Superhuman Strength | +10% Strength | 1 point per 6 seconds | 6 | |
16 | Improved Reflexes | +10% Attack | 1 point per 6 seconds | 6 | |
19 | Rapid Restore | 2 x Restore rate for all Skills except Hitpoints and Prayer | 1 point per 36 seconds | 1 | |
22 | Rapid Heal | 2 x Restore rate for Hitpoints | 1 point per 18 seconds | 2 | |
25 | Protect Item | Player keeps 1 extra item when they die (must be activated before death to occur) | 1 point per 18 seconds | 2 | |
26 | Hawk Eye | +10% Ranged | 1 point per 6 seconds | 6 | |
27 | Mystic Lore | +10% Magic attack and defence | 1 point per 6 seconds | 6 | |
28 | Steel Skin | +15% Defence | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
31 | Ultimate Strength | +15% Strength | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
34 | Incredible Reflexes | +15% Attack | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
37 | Protect from Magic | Protects against magic attacks | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
40 | Protect from Missiles | Protects against ranged attacks | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
43 | Protect from Melee | Protects against melee attacks | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
44 | Eagle Eye | +15% Ranged | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
45 | Mystic Might | +15% Magic attack and defence | 1 point per 3 seconds | 12 | |
46 | Retribution | Deals damage up to 25% of your Prayer level to nearby targets upon the user's death | 1 point per 12 seconds | 3 | |
49 | Redemption | Heals the player if they fall below 10% health | 1 point per 6 seconds | 6 | |
52 | Smite | Removes 1 prayer point from an enemy for every 4 damage inflicted on the enemy | 1 point per 2 seconds | 18 | |
55 | Preserve | Boosted stats last 50% longer | 1 point per 18 seconds | 2 | |
60 | Chivalry | +15% Attack, +18% Strength, +20% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | 24 | |
70 | Piety | +20% Attack, +23% Strength, +25% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 Seconds | 24 | |
74 | Rigour | +20% Ranged attack, +23% Ranged strength, +25% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 Seconds | 24 | |
77 | Augury | +25% Magic attack and defence, +25% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 Seconds | 24 | |
Recharging Prayer: The player can recharge all of their prayer points to full by praying at an altar, which are most often found in churches.
Praying at these altars will recharge the player's prayer points above the maximum:
- The Altar of Nature in the Nature Grotto
- The Edgeville Monastery (requires level 31 Prayer)
As well, prayer potions, Super restores, and Sanfew serums can restore prayer points with regards to the player's Prayer level, and eating Jangerberries restores 1 prayer point each. The Falador shield can recharge a certain percentage of prayer points once or twice daily depending upon the tier of the shield.